Category Archives: NEWS

Kavanaugh Hearings and Money Solution for This Age of Plenty – Condit for Congress 9-30-18

My September 30, 2018 Radio show filmed live at 55krc studios (550 AM) for Condit for Congress 2018 dealt with the absurd tactics in the Kavanaugh hearings and more importantly how money must be scientifically issued in This Age of Plenty. Since I was not happy with the way the money part of the show went, due to running out

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My Encounter with Trump | Computer Election Fraud Radio Show 4 29 18

In this radio show I recount my face to face encounter with Trump In Iowa in Feb 2016 about the dangers of computer election fraud, as well as cover the four factors why I believe the Shadow Gov let his victory stand — and an overview of the Election Night Gatekeepers computer votefraud crime syndicate. Please CLICK HERE for the

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How Deep State Operates Condit for Congress Radio Show Sept 23 2018

In this radio show I cover some specific examples of how the Deep State operates, including escalating internet censorship by Facebook, Google, Twitter. Also discussed is how the International Bankers set up Red (Communist) China as the greatest capitalistic limited corporation in history, where the Vulture Capitalists in New York and London exploit and profit on the poor slaves and

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American visits the 9/11 Memorial Sites with Questions

Thank you to Andy Christensen for asking these questions and for permission to post these videos. 9/11 FL93 Memorial: How a Plane Goes Underground Source: awc222 YouTube Channel: Published on Oct 30, 2017 A visit to the Flight 93 Memorial near Shanksville, I wanted to get it from the horse’s mouth, the official official story as told to thousands of

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Secret of Oz – Episode 2 Video – Aug 24, 2018 Real News Real Action

New RNRA VIDEO: This episode #2 of Real News Real Action Newscast (video) is produced for anyone who isn’t sure there is a deep state/shadow government – or for anyone who isn’t sure how so few people can have so much power over humanity — or who wants to be able to help others understand. — (The FEATURED PICTURE for

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Real News Real Action LAUNCH Episode 1 Aug 15 2018

Real News Real Action LAUNCH Episode 1 Aug 15 2018 Websites and Documentation: Home base: (monthly crowdfunding) Email: Deep State: “The Secret of Oz” by Bill Still (90 Min Youtube) Deep State: “1971 Lecture by Gary Allen” (63 Min Youtube) Deep State: “The High Priests of War” by Michael Collins Piper (book); “High Priests of War

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Did you know that Russian Communism wasn’t Russian at all? It was Jewish!

The Secret Behind Communism by David Duke     Jim Condit Jr. – The Zionist Take-Over of the Catholic Church & mentions the origins of the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution   Winston Churchill admits in astounding article that the Jews are behind a Satanic conspiracy to overthrow Christian civilization and conquer the world, and the genesis of the Illuminati, the French

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Did Julian Assange Say Israel is the Greatest Threat to America?

By TLB Contributing Author: Nicky Nelson If you do a Google Search today with the keywords: “Forget Russia, The threat to America comes from Israel” it might look something like this: (click on image to enlarge) However, the original article that implied Israel is the greatest threat to America might not even come up on the first page. What does

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