Updated Jun 3, 2020, 10:23am EDT
Shocking Truth Behind BLM Black Lives Matters
One of my good-intentioned and misinformed friends traveled to be a part of The Wall of Moms (protecting BLM rioters… I mean peaceful, but fiery protesters) and while she was there the group fell apart and their leader was accused of anti-blackness.
When I researched the issue, it turns out that the non-black, non-Jew, Bev Barnum, leading the group of mostly white women was ousted for setting up her own organization so they could take in funding and provide their moms with gear and other necessities.
That was the beginning of the end. I guess naive Bev Barnum did not realize that the communist/terrorist Jews collect the money for these types of organizations and then give the groups like the BLM a percentage.
This article is an add on from our article on Kyle Rittenhouse, which can be viewed here:
Fiery but mostly peaceful protests 😉
You can see some articles about The Wall of Moms below, but none have mentioned the real reason The Wall of Moms was shut down… The Jews were not going to get control and their cut of the money.
The Portland ‘Wall of Moms’ movement is falling apart after a local Black Lives Matter group accused it of ‘anti-Blackness’
- The Portland “Wall of Moms” protest group has been accused of “anti-Blackness” by a local racial-justice organization.
- Don’t Shoot Portland said Wall of Moms members — who have formed human chains to protect protesters in the city — have not done their job to shield Black women, leaving them “vulnerable.”
- Don’t Shoot Portland also accused Wall of Moms founder Bev Barnum of going behind its back to register the group as a nonprofit.
- “The lies are finally clear and we are sad but ultimately not surprised that anti-Blackness showed it’s ugly face with Wall of Moms,” Don’t Shoot Portland wrote in a Wednesday Instagram post.
- The Wall of Moms have since tweeted that Barnum “went rogue” and that members are trying to regroup and “do things the right way.”
Read more at the source:
VICE News went to Portland to find out why the Wall of Moms is suddenly getting so much attention and why the leadership is changing. See what the group’s leaders have to say.
A Terrorist’s Ties to a Leading Black Lives Matter Group
Some conservatives have begun speculating the unrest in American cities—even as late as Monday night in Washington, DC, as “protestors” unsuccessfully worked to tear down a statue of Andrew Jackson and set up an autonomous zone across the street from the White House—may in part be an attempt to affect the upcoming presidential election, with the chaos and violence intended to make it as difficult as possible for Donald Trump to win a second term.
Lending credence to this idea is the fact that at least one board member of Thousand Currents—the group fiscally sponsoring the most organized part of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, who have been involved in most of the activity surrounding the current unrest—tried the same thing almost 40 years ago during Ronald Reagan’s reelection campaign. And it landed her in federal prison for 16 years. (Susan Rosenberg was sentenced to 58 years in prison – Bill Clinton pardoned her on his last day of office, so she was released in just 16 years)
If there were any question whether Black Lives Matter has ideological ties to the Communist terrorists of the 1960s, the story of Susan Rosenberg should put that issue to bed.
[Editor’s note: The webpage for Thousand Current’s board of directors was taken down within hours of this post’s publication. Fortunately, the board of directors webpage is archived here.]
Susan Rosenberg and Thousand Currents
Rosenberg, who started out as a member of the 1960s revolutionary group Weather Underground, graduated into even more violent, and arguably successful, forms of terrorism in the 1970s and 1980s—including bombings at an FBI field office in Staten Island, the Navy Yard Officers’ Club in Washington, DC, and even the U.S. Capitol building, where she damaged a representation of the greatest of the Democrat defenders of slavery, John C. Calhoun. She currently serves as Human and Prisoner Rights Advocate and a Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of Thousand Currents…
Read more here:
Black Lives Matter fundraising handled by group with convicted terrorist on its board
The co-founder of Black Lives Matter names a convicted cop killer as one of her heroes, and the BLM national organization is fiscally sponsored through a leftist group whose board of directors includes a convicted terrorist.
Alicia Garza, one of three co-founders of the Black Lives Matter national organization, has repeatedly talked about how convicted cop killer and wanted domestic terrorist Joanne Chesimard, also known as Assata Shakur, is one of her main inspirations. Susan Rosenberg, a member of the board of directors for the left-wing Thousand Currents group, which handles the intake of donations made to Black Lives Matter, is a convicted terrorist who, among other things, was suspected of helping Shakur escape from prison.
Rosenberg, who was listed as the vice chairwoman of the board of directors for Thousand Currents until the webpage was pulled down this week, as first reported by the Capital Research Center, had been a member of the radical leftist revolutionary militant group known as the May 19th Communist Organization, affiliated with the Weather Underground terrorist group and other radicals. She was convicted on weapons and explosives charges and sentenced to 58 years in prison, serving 16 years before being pardoned by President Bill Clinton in January 2001… read more here:
************ Warning – Harsh Language **************
The Shocking Truth About The Founders of Black Lives Matter
77,713 views – Premiered Jun 1, 2020
Independent Thoughts and Words SOURCE: CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE
If the above video is removed by YouTube, you can watch it below:
One of the founders, Alicia Garza aka Alicia Schwartz was raised Jewish and identifies as a queer Jew.
Early life and education
Garza was born in Oakland, California, on January 4, 1981. She grew up as Alicia Schwartz in Marin County in a mixed-raced and mixed-religion household, with a Jewish stepfather and an African American mother.[1] Garza identifies as Jewish.[2] The family ran an antiques business, assisted later by her younger brother, Joey.[1] In her teens, Alicia engaged in activism, promoting school sex education about birth control.[3] Enrolling in the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), she continued her activism by joining the student association and calling for higher pay for the university’s janitors. In her final year at college, she helped organize the first Women of Color Conference, a university-wide convocation held at UCSD in 2002.[4] She graduated in 2002 with a degree in anthropology and sociology.[5]
In 2003 she met Malachi Garza, 24, a transgender man and a community activist. In 2004, Alicia came out as queer to her family. In 2008, she married Malachi and took the name Garza, settling in Oakland.[1][3]
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alicia_Garza
Corporate Donations Tracker: Here Are The Companies Giving Millions To Anti-Racism Efforts
Black Lives Matter Co-Founder: ‘Majority of U.S. Congress is White Christian Men, That’s a Big Problem’

Controversy in a Vermont community over flags at school
Published: Jul. 23, 2020 at 3:55 AM GMT+5:30|Updated: Jul. 23, 2020 at 3:15 PM GMT+5:30
NORTH CLARENDON, Vt. (WCAX) – A local school district’s equity committee will be meeting Thursday to talk about flying both a Black Lives Matter and Pride Flag.
The Mill River Unified School District School board members gave the approval back in June with 8 voting in favor, one opposed and one abstained.
They met again Wednesday night to talk about when to raise the flags, how long they’ll be up and which pride flag they’ll go with. The equity committee looks to answer those questions Thursday.
A petition is now circulating asking the board to reconsider their decision and add flying the flags to the August primary… Read more at the source:
Looks like the flag went up!!!
This was my comment on Social media as I re-uploaded the video since Facebook prevented me from sharing the video:
Holy Smokes! School time with face masks, dysfunctional social distancing and…. the Black Lives Matters Flag. Good God!!!! By the way, 3 Chinese boys have died from wearing masks in their PE classes. Who is the genius that thought it was a good idea to cut off oxygen to our kids and then send them out running? This is child abuse people! Don’t let your kids wear masks and don’t let them go back to these indoctrination prison camps aka schools!
Here is the archived page that was removed from Thousand Currents’ website when The Jewish Voice exposed them as Jewish terrorists and these are the Jewish money changers that give BLM and other organizations a percentage of the money Thousand Currents collects and controls.
Nwamaka Agbo
Next Economy Fellow, Movement Strategy Center
As restorative economics practitioner, Nwamaka Agbo brings a solutions-oriented approach to her project management consulting. With a background in organizing, electoral campaigns, policy and advocacy on racial, social and environmental justice issues, Nwamaka supports projects that build resilient, healthy and self-determined communities rooted in shared prosperity.
In addition to her consulting practice, NwamakaAgbo.com, Nwamaka is also a Senior Fellow at the Movement Strategy Center and a 2017 Fellow for the RSF Integrated Capital Fellowship Program. Nwamaka previously served as the Director of Programs at EcoDistricts leading Target Cities – a program to support 11 neighborhood-scale sustainable urban regeneration projects across North American committed to equitable economic development.
As the Director of Programs at Transform Finance, Nwamaka helped to design and launch the inaugural Transform Finance Institute for Social Justice leaders. The Institute was created to educate and train social justice community leaders about how to best leverage impact investments to deepen their social impact for transformative social change.
She currently serves as an Advisory Board Member to Oakland Rising Action and a Board Member to Thousand Currents, Center for Third World Organizing and the Schumacher Center for New Economics. She graduated from UC Davis with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and African American Studies and holds a Master’s of Public Administration specializing in Financial Management from San Francisco State University.
Nwamaka lives in Oakland with her husband, where she can be found geeking out on the latest sci-fi, Afrofuturism novels or cheering for the Golden State Warriors. She likes her bourbon neat and her sake chilled.
Fahad Ahmad
Independent Nonprofit Consultant
Thousand Currents Chair of the Board of Directors
Fahad Ahmad is a consultant, researcher, and program evaluator. He helps social justice, arts, and community-based nonprofit organizations to enhance their strategic, operational, and leadership capacities. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Public Policy at Carleton University. Fahad was the COO and later the interim CEO of Soliya, an innovative nonprofit that uses new media technologies to educate and mobilize global youth in order to foster greater cross-cultural understanding. He continues to serve as Soliya’s Senior Advisor. Fahad has also worked as the VP of Strategic Initiatives at Search for Common Ground, one of the world’s largest peacebuilding organizations. Fahad’s expertise includes policy analysis and advocacy, developing and implementing organizational strategy, driving social change using new technologies, managing and evaluating domestic and international programs, building partnerships and mobilizing community, developing earned income strategies, and applying for funding support from foundations and governments. He has facilitated nonprofit board and staff conversations to establish governance structures and create implementable strategic plans. Fahad’s diverse experiences and background make him a creative problem solver. He has worked as a computer engineer, made short films, and has lived and worked in the Middle East, India, Canada, and the U.S. Fahad holds graduate degrees from York University in Canada (MBA) and the University of Wisconsin Madison (MS), as well as a Bachelor’s degree from India.
Shilpa Alimchandani
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategist
Shilpa Alimchandani has more than 20 years of experience in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), leadership development, and intercultural learning. She is a DEI strategist, learning architect, and facilitator who partners with clients to develop holistic solutions that lead to transformational change.
In her most recent role as the Director of Learning & Innovation for Cook Ross, she built the learning and development function from the ground up and led the organization’s curriculum and product development initiatives. With her deep knowledge of various learning modalities, intercultural leadership development, and human-centered design, Shilpa is able to craft interventions that are targeted, impactful, and appropriate for diverse, global audiences.
Before her work at Cook Ross, Shilpa designed and implemented global leadership programs for the State Department, led the development of a global learning strategy for the Peace Corps, and taught in the School of International Service at American University. She has facilitated trainings in nearly 20 countries around the world, and has received numerous awards, including twice receiving the Peace Corps’ Distinguished Service Award.
She is the author of the book Communicating Development Across Cultures: Monologues & Dialogues in Development Project Implementation (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010), and has been an invited speaker at numerous conferences, including The Forum on Workplace Inclusion and the Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research (SIETAR). She has also been a guest lecturer at numerous academic institutions, including Georgetown University and the United States Institute of Peace.
Saba Bireda
Attorney at Sanford Heisler Sharp, LLP
Saba Bireda is an attorney at Sanford Heisler Sharp, LLP, a national civil rights firm.
Saba joined Sanford Heisler Sharp after three years as a member of the senior political staff at the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, DC, including two years as Senior Counsel in the Office for Civil Rights. Her experience includes service as a policy and legal advisor at Educational Counsel, LLC, as Deputy Director of the Poverty and Race Research Action Council, and as an Education Policy Analyst at the Center for American Progress. Saba was also a Philadelphia Bar Foundation Fellow, working both as a Litigation Associate at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP and as a Staff Attorney at the Education Law Center in Philadelphia.
Ms. Bireda has written and spoken on a variety of topics related to civil rights and education. In May 2016, she was appointed by Mayor Muriel Bowser to serve a three-year term on the District of Columbia Public Charter School Board. She currently serves Vice-Chair. Saba is also a founding board member of the National Student Legal Defense Network, an organization created in 2017 to advance students’ rights to educational opportunity and to ensure that higher education provides a launching point for economic mobility.
Saba has been appointed adjunct faculty at UDC David A. Clarke School of Law and the American University School of Education. She received her bachelor’s degree from Stanford University and her law degree from Harvard.
Saba lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband and young son.
M. Jahi Chappell
Executive Director, Food First
M. Jahi Chappell is the Executive Director of Food First/the Institute for Food and Development Policy in Oakland, CA. He is a political ecologist and a former Associate Professor of Agroecology and Agricultural Policy at Coventry University’s Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience in the UK. In the course of his career, Dr. Chappell has worked across several disciplines and sectors, including a stint as a liquid soap formulation engineer, before returning to graduate school and completing a PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan. He was subsequently a postdoctoral associate at Cornell University’s Department of Science and Technology Studies, followed by three years as an assistant professor of environmental science and justice at Washington State University Vancouver. From 2012-2013, he additionally served as the Associate Director of the WSU Vancouver’s Center for Social and Environmental Justice. In 2013, he left WSU to serve as co-Director of the program for Decentralized and Democratized Food Systems at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. During his time there, he spearheaded an open letter to the Secretary-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations that helped to solidify the FAO’s commitment to agroecology. He has consulted for the La Vía Campesina, the FAO, and the World Future Council. In 2018, he published his first book, Beginning to end hunger: Food and the environment in Brazil and beyond, which Raj Patel has hailed as “a provocation to new thought and better action to end hunger permanently.”
Gregory Hodge
Organizational Development Consultant, Khepera Consulting
Thousand Currents Secretary of the Board of Directors
Gregory Hodge is a social change activist and organizational development consultant with Khepera Consulting. Working as a strategist, meeting designer, facilitator and coach, Gregory works with a range of groups from small non-profits and foundations to public agencies, particularly school districts. He has served as lead consultant on the Equal Voice for America’s Families Campaign, an initiative of the Marguerite Casey Foundation, and the 2025 Campaign for Black Men and Boys. His clients include The California Endowment, the Association for Black Foundation Executives, Sierra Health Foundation, and Oakland Unified School District’s Office of African American Achievement. As a leader in his community, Gregory served two four-year terms as a member of the Oakland Unified School District Board of Education beginning in January 2000, including a year as president of the board. He served nine years on Workforce Investment Board, City of Oakland. In addition, he serves as the Chief Network Officer for the Brotherhood of Elders Network, an intergenerational network of African descent men. Greg is a Fulbright-Hayes Fellow, recipient of the Gerbode Fellowship and the Rockwood Leadership Institute board chair and alum. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Northwestern University and a law degree from Golden Gate University in San Francisco. He is a proud father and active gardener, and lives in Oakland, California.
Susan Rosenberg
Human and Prisoner Rights Advocate and Writer
Thousand Currents Vice Chair of the Board of Directors
Susan Rosenberg is a human rights and prisoners rights advocate, adjunct professor, communications consultant, award-winning writer, public speaker and a formerly incarcerated person. Her memoir, An American Radical, details her 16 years in federal prison as well as her conclusions about her prison experience and her past. She was released from prison in 2001 through executive clemency by then President Bill Clinton. Upon her release she worked at American Jewish World Service for 12 years beginning as a writer then becoming the Director of Communications. Post-AJWS Susan has worked extensively as a strategic consultant in organizational development with a focus on human rights, international development and criminal justice reform. She founded Sync It Communications, a communications-consulting group, and is the Director of the Erroll Garner Jazz Project. Susan is a founding member of the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls and is on the Board of Advisors for Alliance of Families for Justice. She is an adjunct professor at Hunter College and a member of the prison writing committee of PEN America. Susan lives in Brooklyn, New York with her partner.
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