Author Archives: Nicky Nelson

American visits the 9/11 Memorial Sites with Questions

Thank you to Andy Christensen for asking these questions and for permission to post these videos. 9/11 FL93 Memorial: How a Plane Goes Underground Source: awc222 YouTube Channel: Published on Oct 30, 2017 A visit to the Flight 93 Memorial near Shanksville, I wanted to get it from the horse’s mouth, the official official story as told to thousands of

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Did you know that Russian Communism wasn’t Russian at all? It was Jewish!

The Secret Behind Communism by David Duke     Jim Condit Jr. – The Zionist Take-Over of the Catholic Church & mentions the origins of the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution   Winston Churchill admits in astounding article that the Jews are behind a Satanic conspiracy to overthrow Christian civilization and conquer the world, and the genesis of the Illuminati, the French

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Did Julian Assange Say Israel is the Greatest Threat to America?

By TLB Contributing Author: Nicky Nelson If you do a Google Search today with the keywords: “Forget Russia, The threat to America comes from Israel” it might look something like this: (click on image to enlarge) However, the original article that implied Israel is the greatest threat to America might not even come up on the first page. What does

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Are the Accusations of Russian Hacking an Israeli False-Flag Operation?

Are the Accusations of Russian Hacking an Israeli False-Flag Operation? December 31, 2016 by Investigative Journalist, Christopher Bollyn   “State-sponsored Russian hacking is a serious threat, and the attempts to penetrate the electric grid through a Vermont utility are the latest example.” – Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, December 30, 2016 “Vermonters and all Americans should be both alarmed and outraged

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Berlin Attack Truck Owned by Israel Supporting Jew Ariel Zurawski

Berlin Attack Truck Owned by Israel Supporting Jewish Man Rita Katz & the Israeli Interpretation of the Berlin Attack by Christopher Bollyn Rita Katz, the Israeli intelligence agent behind Site Intelligence Group of Bethesda, Maryland, is providing details about Anis Amri, the alleged (and now dead) Tunisian truck terrorist blamed for the Berlin Christmas market attack, to Western media and

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BREAKING NEWS! Regime Change Thwarted in Syria – Now what?

BREAKING NEWS! Regime Change Thwarted in Syria – Now what? By TLB Contributing Author: Nicky Nelson – Originally posted on The Liberty Beacon * Syrian President Dr. Bashar al-Assad offered Amnesty to rebel fighters. A brilliant and practical strategy that has worked with great success. With the recent liberation of East Aleppo and the help of Russia, Syria’s legitimate government

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MSNBC Hints Israeli Spies Are Source of “Russian Hacking”

MSNBC Hints Israeli Spies Are Source of “Russian Hacking”  Nixon “The Jews are born spies” December 15, 2016 – Senior legal and investigative correspondent for NBC News, Cynthia McFadden and the CIA’s Mop-Up Man, Ken Dilanian, on Meet the Press (MTP) Daily discuss Russian President Vladimir Putin’s purported involvement in hacking the U.S. election. McFadden states the source of this

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Kurds – Breakthrough Research on the “Greater Israel” Project – Cracking the Code the Intro

Intro by Jim Condit Jr. – We believe that this information may be so “hot” that we’ve published it in “rough” form just to get the information out there. This research indicates that, dating back to 1590, at least the leaders of the Kurds were crypto-Jews, meaning Jews who hide their identity under another identity, in this case generally presenting

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