Monthly Archives: March 2015

49 States have Easily-Rigged Computerized Elections which are both Unconstitutional and Illegal

49 States have Easily-Rigged Computerized Elections which are both Unconstitutional and Illegal   (Our conference call, devoted to take back our nation, will take place at 10 PM EST tonight, March 31, 2015. Phone Number: (559) 726-1300 –  Participant Access Code: 168055#)   100% of 49 states and 50% of New Hampshire have been running blatantly illegal and unconstitutional

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Sinister Jew George Soros aka Schwartz György funded Ferguson Fiasco !!!

Sinister JEW, George Soros aka Schwartz György aka György Schwartz funded Ferguson Fiasco, (In 1936, Soros’ family changed their name from Schwartz to Soros in response to growing “anti-antisemitism”) while the ADL, The Anti-defamation League and other Jewish organizations had simultaneously funded ruthless Zionist training of our American law enforcement officials in Israel, including the goon squad in Ferguson, documents

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The word “Jew” refers to both a religion and a race. Using one word for two different concepts is as stupid as referring to a religion as “Chinese”!

Where do Jews really belong? Do “Ashkenazi” Jews have a right to Palestine? Not according to many historians, such as the Jewish historian Arthur Koestler, who wrote The Thirteenth Tribe. The word “Jew” refers to both a religion and a race. Using one word for two different concepts is as stupid as referring to a religion as “Chinese”. In such

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